Thursday, September 11, 2008

Reframe and Action!


I have transferred my patrol team to the admin side, at least for this month, till october, which is SOO near my ORD date. Life is definitely very different, as i have to work every weekday, but shorter hours per day. The admin side im working at right now is the RCAR ( Regulated air Cargo Agent Regime) department. Dealing with cargo staffs and security measures all tat. However, by the time I entered, the dept required less manpower alr, since its official launch is over. I can count myself lucky:)

Alright. This week, I came across a chapter about REFRAMING. This is about changing the way you perceive things. In other words, You give something its meaning, and not something give you its meaning. Something GOOD can be perceived as something Bad, whereas something bad, can be perceived as something GOOD!. Every coin, there's a head and a tail, every concave, there's a convex. Some examples :

1) You fail your maths, and have to stay back for remedial class..
Reframe: You fail your maths, means that your foundation and concepts of maths are weak, hence you require extra lessons from your teacher. Furthermore, you can learn more things which the teacher did not teach in the class with you. You can build your relationship with the teacher too.

2)Your boss keep picking at you, no matter how small the matter is.
This means your boss is very attentive of your actions! This can encourage you to strive for the very best to not even to make a single mistake which makes ur boss unhappy.

3)You did not get the grades you expected, and did not get into the college/uni you desired.
This means you got to start working harder to get 'exceeding expectation' results you want, and this give you bragging rights that you can do as well as, or even better than those who get into local uni, but slacked after they are proud with their results.

Anyway, there are alot of meanings to the things that happen around us, and it depends on you to give its meaning. Hiowever, this require some practice and skills to change the meaning. You can always try, by thinking OTHERWISE what people usually think, and as for me, i like to 'talk cock' or turn things round until it became lame..

Alright. Some people may say that you are in self-denial, or trying to console yourself. YEA!. sometimes i agree!. However, by changing its meaning, in the case of the boss keep picking on you, and actually your BOss is a F***up person who no matter what just like F******* you everyday he sees you, by changing its meaning, or by taking ACTION, you can change things, maybe transfer out to other offices, than just complaining everyday to your friends, your boss ^%^&(, ^$*((*#....

1 week is coming to an end..anyway. today is payday:)

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