Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Statue and the Stone

The Story of the Statue and the Stone

In a Art Museum in a Sunny Island, there are a lot of people who visits the museum everyday. Inside this museum, there is a special room which put a statue of a historic person. To ensure the cleanliness of the room, people are required to take off their shoes before they enter. To enter the room, visitors took off their shoes, and step on a stone at the door to enter the room. They appreciate the statue and took pictures of it.

One night, the Stone at the door cried out to the Statue. " God is so Unfair! We are both stones, but you are one that is appreciated by people everyday, but I'm the one who got stepped by people everyday!"

The Statue replied, "No! God is Fair. First, you cried once when the you are being chiseled once. When the chisel goes down one more time, you said its too unbearable for you. When the chisel goes down the 3rd time, you screamed you are about to Die! Since you are not willing to go through the pain, its best to put you lying on the ground flat as a stepping stone for others. "

The Statue continued, "However, I endured the pain of being chiselled a thousand times, and that's why I'm made the Statue."

The morale of the story: 
If you can endure the pain, you will suffer for that moment. If you can't, you will suffer the rest of your life.

If you are not willing to work hard, take up new challenges when you are young, then when are you going to?

Today, you can't afford not to work hard, or challenge yourself.  Because, everybody in the world is doing so. By not doing anything, you will be left behind, because everyone else is moving forward.

But if you choose to work hard, take risks, take new challenges, create your own success path, and
Pay The Price To Succeed, you will sacrifice a moment of your life, to enjoy the rest of your life.

Let me end off with this Chinese Quote,


You have 2 choices now:

1) Be a Stone being stepped by people  


2) Be a Statue being appreciated by people

Which one do you want to be?



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